Blessings of Open Data and Technology: E-Learning Examples on Land Use Monitoring and E-Mobility


The combination of theoretical knowledge and practice-oriented education are key for future professionals and young scientists. Open data and technologies are providing manifold opportunities within the scope of open science era. This paper aims to present the open e-Learning platform OpenGeoEdu (OGE) that comes with thematic learning module on best practice case studies with real open data. It presents a brief introduction on two best practices case studies: (i) land use monitoring and (ii) e-mobility. The major components of the learning modules are: lecture, test, and practical exercise; besides short teasers and technical tutorials. The multimedia features are: videos, scripts, interactive elements, real data, web-portal and so on. OGE is adopting mostly the open software/­tools/­frameworks for developing massive open online courses (MOOC) platform, preparing teaching materials and communication purpose. A brief evaluation shows that the OGE properties are addressing the key components and approaches of open science. In fact, everyone can enjoy to learn, participate, contribute and disseminate.

Conference Proceedings of the STS Conference Graz 2019, Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society